Help! I Stopped Seeing Angel Numbers


A few years back, I remember seeing Angel numbers everywhere. Practically every Angel number everyplace. On the microwave clock. In books. On license plates. In songs. You get the idea. I was on 🔥.

And then…nothing. Complete crickets.

What changed? A lot, actually, when I look back. I was working super-long hours. Making repairs and updates on our house in New Jersey – and then selling said house. At the same time, my husband and I also purchased a home in Southwest Virginia so we could be closer to my parents to help care for them. We had to figure out all the things: coordinating multiple closings, moving with our dogs, cats and fish in tow, trying to find contractors while living out of state and navigating shortages and delays from the pandemic. My health was 👎. I was averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep a night for months. To say I was exhausted was an understatement.

And all this affected me seeing Angel numbers. 

How about you? Have you ever felt like you were super in sync with the Universe, seeing Angel numbers everywhere you turn, only to suddenly find POOF! They seemed to disappear just like that. Don't worry – it happens to everyone from time to time. Here’s why.

Where did my Angel numbers go?

First things first, let me reassure you: just because you're not seeing Angel numbers doesn't mean your Angels are MIA or have taken a vacay. It also doesn’t mean that you’ve lost your Divine connection or that something bad is going to happen. Our Angels are always ever-present even if we can’t directly see or feel their presence at that precise time.

What it does mean: we should take a step back to check in with ourselves. What’s going on? How are we feeling? What’s consuming our energy right now?

Some of the things that can impact us seeing Angel numbers:


Life's stressors can turn everything upside down – even dampen our vibration. When worries and anxieties pile up, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack – except the needle is an Angel number, and the haystack is, well, everything else.


Things like illness can also impact our alignment. How many of us felt high-vibing during a flu? Yeah, me neither. When our bodies aren't feeling their best, it can be harder to see the Angel signs.


Too much alcohol? Too little water? Both can affect our ability to receive Angel messages. For me, I’ve noticed that dehydration can dim my connection. 


When we're running on empty, even the most obvious signs can slip right past us.

Strong emotions

Receiving devastating news or experiencing a significant life change or event can trigger intense emotions that might temporarily hinder our ability to recognize the signs.

Does that mean that we can’t receive Angel signs and messages if we’re tired, stressed or not feeling well? Absolutely not. But it can impact our alignment and our ability to see the signs we’re being sent.

How to restart receiving Angel numbers

If you're feeling a little lost without your Angel numbers, take heart: your Angels haven't gone anywhere! They're still watching over you with all the love and support in the world, even if you can’t see their messages at the moment.

So, how can you begin seeing Angel numbers again? Here are a few tips to get you started:

Take a breather…literally

Give yourself some well-deserved me-time. Whether it's through yoga, reading or simply taking a leisurely stroll, find ways to quiet your mind and reconnect with yourself and the world around you.


I know, I know…easier said than done. But is there something you can do to lighten the load? Even a little? Things like deep breathing exercises, journaling or a favorite hobby can give your body and mind a brief respite when things feel heavy. 

Stay open and grateful

Approach each day with an open heart and a sense of wonder. Expressing gratitude for the little things in life can help lift our vibrations and move the needle.

Connect with nature

There’s just something about being outdoors that soothes the soul. And that’s where you’ll find me when I need grounding and realigning. 

Above all else – give yourself time, space and grace. We all need moments to stop and rest in order to reconnect. And that’s okay! Honor what your mind, body and spirit needs. 

And keep your eyes, ears and heart open. Know that your Angels are indeed around you (and you’ll once again receive reminders of this).

Have you ever stopped receiving Angel numbers? What did you do to get back in the flow and start seeing them again? Let me know in the comments! 

With love and light,



Getting Angel Signs When Falling Asleep or Waking Up?