Getting Angel Signs When Falling Asleep or Waking Up?


Have you ever been on the verge of falling asleep or just waking up and suddenly heard a soft voice saying your name? Maybe you heard a message?

Or perhaps you caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye while your mind was zoning out during a mundane or repetitive task. 🙋‍♀️ If you’ve answered “me!” you’re not alone. This has happened to me. A lot, actually. In fact, I’ve experienced the I-see-it-out-of-the-corner-of-my-eye thing many times while washing dishes, surfing the web, reading or watching TV. Go figure.

Some people might write these experiences off as coincidences. But in the spiritual space, they’re often seen as intentional, purposeful signs from Angels or loved ones who have passed.

Receiving signs and messages during these times of transition – while falling asleep, waking up or zoning out – is not accidental. Instead, it’s a purposeful form of Angelic and spiritual communication that happens when we are “betwixt and between” states of consciousness.

Divine intermission

I call these transitional moments when Angels or loved ones communicate with us: “Divine intermission.” It’s when our consciousness is neither fully awake nor entirely asleep – as though the pause button has been hit and everything around us slows. We go into a state of heightened receptivity. The mind is relaxed. Our thoughts and emotions are quieted. And the noise of the world recedes. 

This makes for an ideal space for communication to take place. For a connection to be made between the earthly world and the spiritual world.

When we are falling asleep, waking up or zoning out – our minds are more open and receptive to subtle shifts in energy and vibration. This makes it easier for Angels and our loved ones to send signs and share messages with us. In these moments, the veil between the earthly and spiritual worlds becomes thinner, creating a gateway for messages to more easily pass through. 

Common Signs During Transitional Moments

Hearing your name

One of the most common signs reported when falling asleep or waking up is hearing something, often your own name. It's the Angels’ way of letting you know that they are near. Your loved ones may also be stopping by and saying, “Hey, we’re here and love you.” After my mother passed away, I’ve heard many “Hi honey’s” upon waking – this is how my mom used to greet me when she answered the phone.

Auditory messages are also my Guardian Angel’s preferred method of communication, especially when he wants to make sure I *really* get the message. And when he’s feeling super persistent, he’ll say or send the same message over and over – like a song on repeat.

Seeing in the mind's eye

Another common form of communication during “Divine intermission” is the seeing images in your mind's eye. These can range from symbols and colors to more elaborate scenes or stories. When this happens, pay attention to any details that stand out to you. They can provide insight into your current situation or serve as guidance on your spiritual journey.

Relaxing the mind for more connection

So, what can we take away from all of this? Learning to relax the mind – and not trying to control the experiences around us – can help when it comes to receiving Angel signs or messages from our loved ones who have passed. Engaging in practices that encourage relaxation or stillness can be particularly helpful.

Consider incorporating some or all of the following into your day-to-day to open yourself to more connection in your life:

Meditation – Set aside a few moments each day to quiet your mind through meditation. Focus on your breath and let go of racing thoughts. Guided meditations are great for giving the mind a place to “park.”

Mindfulness – Practice being fully present. Really, truly present. Whether you're sipping your morning tea or taking a walk, pause and take note of your surroundings. The more mindful you become – the more you can create an awareness of what’s around you – the more attuned you can become to Angel signs and messages from beyond.

Breathing exercises – Take intentional, focused breaths, drawing the breath down deep. This kind of exercise not only relaxes the mind and body but also serves as a way to ground and connect in the present moment, making it easier for Angelic and spiritual communication to occur.

Has anyone received a sign or message when waking, falling asleep or zoning out? Let me know in the comments! 

With love and light,



Help! I Stopped Seeing Angel Numbers


Meaning of Angel Number 123123 for 12/31/23