How to Use Your Breath to Connect with the Angels


Breathe. We all do it every second of every day – without giving it much thought.

There’s so much power in that breath. It’s no mistake that it’s called “breath of life” for a reason. It’s central to life – every cell in our body needs it to live. 

But there’s also the spiritual side of the breath. When we focus on our breath, something beautiful, something magical happens. It helps connect our mind with our heart. It grounds us and brings awareness to our present space and time. And it can help with something else in the most amazing way: making a connection with the Divine realm.

Breath as a bridge

Using the breath as a conduit for prayer and mediation is certainly not a new notion. For centuries, many cultures and religions have tapped into its magic. It's especially popular in yoga, where breathing exercises (ever hear of pranayama?) are used to calm the mind and connect with the body. When used in this way, the breath can serve as a powerful bridge between the physical body and the mind. Very simply: by controlling the breath, we can also control our thoughts and emotions.

So what’s this got to do with the Angels?

Angels are Divine beings. Messengers from above who offer guidance, protection and support to those who need it. They’re at the ready, waiting to step in a blink to lend a hand. You just need to make the call. Luckily, there are so many different ways to make that connection with the Angels. And using your breath is a relatively simple way to “speed dial” ‘em in. Why? Tapping into the stillness of the breath – those moments when you’re not distracted with the phone ringing, the inbox pinging, the dog barking – provides the right environment for focus, awareness and Divine connection. 

The good news? You don’t have to be a yogi pro or have an Eat, Pray, Love meditation sesh to do it.

You just need the desire. A little practice. And the rest will come. 

Using your breath to connect with Angels

Find a quiet spot free of distractions. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, feet touching the ground and hands to your side. This exercise can also be done lying down if that's more comfortable. 

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and then exhale, letting go of any tension or stress.

Turn your attention to your breath. Notice any sensations. Feel the air entering your nose, filling your lungs and then leaving your body. Follow the natural rhythm of your breath. Feel the sensation of the air moving in and out of your nostrils. Notice the rise and fall of your chest. Take note of the sound your breath makes with each inhale and exhale. 

With your next breath, say silently or out loud: 

Angels, I invite you into my life to help me reach my best and highest good. 

As you continue to breathe, imagine a beautiful, magnificent, brilliant white light. The light emanates from the center of you. You can feel its loving warmth as it moves outward surrounding your whole body. This light is your Angels all around you.

With each inhale, see this light filling every part of you with comfort and love. 

With each exhale, let go of any negative thoughts, emotions or self-doubt that may be holding you back. 

Continue to breathe in this way, focusing on the light and love of your Angels. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath and this Angelic white light.

Stay in this space for as long as you like. Two minutes…20 minutes – it’s all good.

When you feel ready, take a few more deep breaths and slowly open your eyes. Finish by thanking your Angels for connecting with you.

Now take a moment to reflect on your experience. What sensations did you notice? What energy did you feel? What did you see? Hear? Let me know in the comments below!

How often should you do this? However often you’re called to. Mornings and evenings are a great time. Right before bed is my personal favorite. That’s when my house is quieter and free-er from interruption. Plus, it’s also a great way to invite the Angels in to send messages in your dreams. 

But, truly, you can do this exercise any time you need to. The important thing is to just do it. With time, it’ll get easier and you’ll get faster at making Angelic connections. This exercise is simple in practice, but it can have a profound impact on your life.

With love and light,



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