Can Angels Hear My Thoughts?


Have you ever had a wish that you never told anyone about? You hoped and hoped that it would happen. And then it did?

That could be your Angels at play.

But how? You didn’t ask them directly…or did you?

It may seem like the Angels can read our minds and hear our thoughts. And they can. That is, if we let them.

Angels are like our personal life coaches, cheerleaders and BFFs all wrapped up into one. They're always ready to lend a hand and guide us on our journey in this life. They can send us messages in many ways, including telepathically. You could even say that they’re innocently eavesdropping on our innermost thoughts – for the highest purpose of helping us on our life path.

So how does this work exactly?

Angels abide by the spiritual laws of the universe – and that includes the law of free will. They respect our free will and our right to direct the course of our life. And they won’t interject themselves into our lives unless 1) our lives are in imminent danger and it’s before our time or 2) we ask. 

When we invite Angels into our lives, we open the door for them to support us. Think of this invite as their VIP pass to come on in and lend a hand.  

But that’s just one part of the equation. It all starts with energy. Imagine a realm beyond this physical world. A place where only love, light, peace and joy reside. This is where you’ll find your celestial companions. 

Everything in the universe is made up of energy and, thus, carries an energetic imprint. And that includes the Angels, too. The Angels are energetic beings of a higher vibration compared to us humans. But our earthly selves carry energy as well. Our words, thoughts, actions and feelings all hold a special vibration – a unique energy signature. It’s kind of like having a personal, spiritual fingerprint that’s deeply distinct and personal to each and everyone one of us. 

The Angels are finely attuned to even the most subtle shifts in energy. So when we say something, do something or think something, it sends out energetic ripples in the celestial sphere. And the Angels catch them all with great excitement and joy. Once they receive these ripples, the Angels can conspire on our behalf for our best and highest good. They see into our hearts and minds. What we care about. What’s important to us. What makes us tick. Because they know us so well, they can take action on our behalf.

Can Angels put thoughts in our head?

Angels can hear our thoughts. But they can also put thoughts in our head, too. Ever have an idea, solution or answer to a problem pop into your head out of seemingly nowhere? That could be the Angels at work.

Will Angels judge me for what I’m thinking?

Absolutely not. Angels are spiritual beings made of pure energy and love. The Angels will never judge or criticize. They are perfectly neutral – and they’re perfectly accepting about who we are. They hold us in love at all times. And that’s a truly beautiful thing!

With love and light,



What Happens to My Guardian Angel When I Die?


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