Messages from Heaven: 12 Signs Departed Loved Ones Are Near


When my mother passed away last year, I wasn’t surprised that I received signs from her almost instantaneously. But what did surprise me? I was receiving a sign from her that I wasn’t expecting. I thought I would have gotten some of the more “traditional” signs – butterflies, rainbows, finding coins in random places. That kind of thing. After all, that was her “style” in life. 

But I didn’t see any of that. No butterflies. No coins. Not a single rainbow. 

Instead she chose to communicate much more directly.

A few weeks after her passing, I heard a voice. Loud and clear. It said, “Hi, honey.” There was no mistaking who it was – I recognized it instantly as my mother’s voice. In life, this was how she usually greeted me when she answered the phone. 

I heard her voice – and this greeting – on two separate occasions (about a couple of weeks apart). The second time I heard it, I actually walked into the kitchen and asked my husband: “did you hear that?” The voice was SO loud. And so incredibly clear. 

Hearing a loved one’s voice is just one of the ways our loved ones in spirit may be letting us know that they’re around. Here are some other signs they may send.

12 Signs from Loved Ones in Spirit

1. In your dreams

Ever had a dream that felt more like a visit? With someone you miss dearly? Dreams are a powerful way for the other side to send us a little reminder that they're still around and still very much a part of our lives. It’s easier for loved ones in spirit to appear in dreams versus the physical world. It’s also easier for you to receive their messages while you sleep. That’s because you’re in a more open, receptive state, plus your mind is at rest and you’re not caught up in all the distractions of the day. Having trouble remembering your dreams? Keep a notebook by your bedside. Note any messages you may receive – anything said, specific details, anything unusual that popped out at you. You may not know what the message is at the moment – and that’s okay. Tuck away your notes and review them periodically. With time, the message will likely become clear.

2. A familiar scent 

You catch a whiff of a familiar scent, and it takes you back. Loved ones will use their “signature scent” to catch our attention. In life, my aunt used to wear this fancy French perfume she adored. It had a very distinctive smell unlike other perfumes I’ve ever smelled. I now detect it whenever she’s visiting me. Other common scents our loved ones will send: flowers, sweets, cigarette smoke (especially if they were smokers). When giving a reading not too long ago, I smelled freshly cut wood. It turned out to be the woman’s father who did woodworking as a hobby.

3. Feathers

Finding feathers in unusual places can definitely catch your eye. Think of it as a gentle hug from beyond letting you know that they are still watching out for you. 

4. Songs on shuffle 

Your playlist seems to play that one song at the right moment with just the right message. Perhaps it’s a favorite song you both shared. Or a song with special meaning, like a father-daughter dance at your wedding. Or maybe it’s a specific lyric you hear that speaks to you so deeply in that instant. It’s common for loved ones to hit play and use music to get our attention.

5. Lights acting up

Bulbs flickering? Lights dimming? Electronics misbehaving? Our loved ones sometimes draw on electrical energy to communicate their presence with the living. 

6. Pocket change

Finding coins in unexpected places is the equivalent of our loved ones saying, “Hey, I’m right here and I’m thinking of you.”

7. Winged messengers 

You may be blessed with the presence of a butterfly, dragonfly or bird. Seeing cardinals? I’m not surprised. This is a big one for me, too. A cardinal’s spiritual meaning is one of love, and could be a sign that someone you loved and lost is visiting you from the other side. 

8. Feeling warmth

Feeling a random warm breeze or a gentle warm touch? It could be your loved one reaching out, reminding you that love knows no boundaries.

9. Deer crossing

A doe and her fawn cross your path? This sighting often appears to those who have lost a parent or child. This is a sign that your loved one is at peace and everything is okay.

10. Atmospheric changes

Suddenly feeling a shift in the air or change in temperature? It could be your loved one adjusting the “spiritual thermostat” to say "I'm right here.” You may feel a chill or drop in temp. That’s because your loved ones in spirit can – and do – drain the surrounding energy when visiting you or trying to communicate.

11. Hearing a voice

Hearing the voice of a departed loved one is not unheard of. Some people may hear an external, audible voice (like my instance of hearing my mom’s voice). Others may hear a voice – that’s not their own – coming from within. You may hear an actual word or phrase, or “hear” a feeling that leaves you with a sense of calm, comfort and peace.

12. Lost objects 

Are you losing or misplacing things? And then they show up in unexpected places? Or maybe you’re 1000% certain you put your keys, a piece of jewelry, [insert object] in a specific spot but it’s not there. When you check back later, that object seems to “magically” appear right where you remember placing it. Your loved one in spirit may be waving hello or drawing your attention to a special memory or moment in time.

These are just a handful of ways that your loved ones in spirit can reach out and let you know they’re still here, still connected and sending so much love from the other side. If I could make a gentle suggestion: let go of any expectation of how you think your loved one should show up and send you messages. Be open to potential surprises, and let the magic of the message unfold.

Have you received a message from a loved one who has passed? What was it? Let me know in the comments.

With love and light,



Meaning of Angel Number 123123 for 12/31/23


8 Ways Your Guardian Angel Can Help Loved Ones