The Magical Spiritual Meaning of Dragonflies


Much like the butterfly, dragonflies are born in one form and transform into another. That’s why it’s no surprise that dragonflies are commonly associated with change, transformation and self-awareness.

I’ve had a deep, personal relationship with dragonflies for more than a decade now. Back in 2008, Bogie – one of the most lovable, fantastic dogs I’ve ever had – passed away. He was one of those dogs that people would come out from their house to see whenever we’d take him on a walk. Days before he passed, I asked him to send me a sign when he could. A sign that would let me know that he was okay.

Three days after he passed, I saw three dragonflies dancing in unison. They settled on my car’s side mirror as I got in…and they stayed there for a bit. I felt in my heart that it was a sign from Bogie – and that he was telling me that he was okay. Ever since then, I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by dragonflies every single summer.

When a dragonfly visits, make no mistake – it’s not by accident. Here’s a closer look at the spiritual meaning behind the dragonfly and what you can do when you spot one.

Dragonflies are a symbol of light

The next time you see a dragonfly, look closely. See something unique or unusual in its appearance? Dragonflies look like fairies in a sense, especially with their spectacular multicolor shine. Depending on the angle of light, the dragonfly reflects a kaleidoscope of jewel-like colors on its wings and body. This iridescence produces a natural, magical shimmery effect, as though every dragonfly was born from fairy dust.

Because light plays such an important role in appreciating this creature’s beauty, it’s only natural for the dragonfly to be a symbol of light.

But that’s only the beginning. Dragonflies are also associated with self-realization. They’re a metaphor for revealing our true selves, especially when we step into our own light. Like the dragonfly, our personalities are multifaceted. And to fully see and appreciate the beauty of the “self”, we need to look at each other (and ourselves!) through a different light.

Remember the 2002 movie, Dragonfly? Kevin Costner played a grieving doctor named Joe who continuously saw dragonflies after his wife’s death. By looking at the clues he received in a different light, he was able to find his infant daughter in a South American village.

Dragonflies tell us to lighten up

The dragonfly’s wings are quite remarkable. Each of its four wings work independently. They go up, down, backwards and forwards, creating a truly awesome performance when it’s flight time.

And the way they move, dance and play is so light, so joyful. Seeing a dragonfly could be a sign and message from your Angels, Spirit or loved ones letting you know to lighten up. Quell your worries and live in the joy of the present moment.

Dragonflies reconnect us with nature

The presence of dragonflies is a reminder to reconnect with nature. All creatures in this world are precious, but too often we forget this and take their presence for granted.

Think about it – how many times have we walked past birds, squirrels or chipmunks? Many of us see them day in and day out without stopping and giving a second thought to just how amazing they are. But dragonflies – well, they’re presence is extra magical. That’s because you don’t see ‘em every day (unless you live near water).

This elusiveness makes them all the more special. Spotting them can be a great reminder to pause and realign ourselves with the earth and nature. Dragonflies are lovers of both water and air, representing two of the four core elements.

What a wonderful way for the Universe to show all of us just how complex and interconnected life can be!

What it means when you encounter a dragonfly

Dragonflies are often associated with clarity, change and maturity.

The dragonfly is born as a nymph and lives its life in water for the first three to five years.

After emerging from its egg, the dragonfly nymph only learns to fly after going through a metamorphosis, which could take several months. They spend most of this time developing underwater, and, when the time is right, they emerge to reveal their four wings. It can take days for their wings to dry and harden, which allow them to finally take flight. During this time, dragonflies are also starting to develop their rich color streaks.

It’s a long process to maturity, which only makes dragonflies all the more mesmerizing.

This isn’t unlike our own journeys through life. We never stop learning and growing, but sometimes we limit our abilities to do so. Sometimes, we impose and create our own illusions which then prevent us from reaching our true potential. When this happens, we are unable to expand our minds, beliefs and skills that will allow us to make the right decisions or progress forward.

We don’t always realize we are doing this, however. Seeing a dragonfly can be an excellent reminder to open our minds, reconnect with nature and our inner selves, and look for change on the horizon.

Seeing dragonflies is a time for introspection

Dragonflies can see in 360-degree angles – how cool is that? If you spot a dragonfly, it may be a call for you to open your eyes, look within yourself and see beyond the obstacles or limitations before you.

When you see a dragonfly, don’t take it for granted. Instead, look inward to determine the reason why the dragonfly chose to visit you at that very moment. To figure it out, start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What emotions am I currently feeling that might be limiting my ability to grow?

  • How can I explore these emotions with an honest, open mind?

  • Am I being true to myself or am hiding something from others?

  • What do I need to do to overcome any negative emotions so that they don’t affect my progress?

  • How can I look at this situation from a fresh perspective?

Dragonflies may visit you when you’re about to enter (or need to enter) a transformative period. They can use their own transformative powers to help you dig yourself out of a rut, embrace your current reality and find the best path forward.

Is the dragonfly your spirit animal?

We all have a spirit animal, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes, our spirit animals come to us in our dreams, build a special connection to us here in the present, or make us feel drawn to a certain animal.

If the dragonfly is your spirit animal, change and adaptability may come easier to you than others. You thrive on learning, growing and expanding your horizons, and are often considered to be a deep thinker. You may be more emotionally mature than your peers and will likely undergo many metamorphoses throughout your life.

Even if the dragonfly isn’t your spirit animal, you can still tap into its transformative powers. Simply recognizing its presence and understanding why it chose to visit you can help you chart a new course.

Have dragonflies been showing up in your life? Let me know in the comments.

With love and light,



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