Do Guardian Angels Choose Us?


Guardian Angels – we all have them. Actually, we all have more than 1 (but we’ll get to that in a moment).

Guardian Angels are amazingly wonderful beings. They’re like your celestial BFFs. They almost have a motherly quality to them. They constantly check in with you to make sure you’re doing okay (and that you’re taking care of yourself). You can count on them to be your biggest cheerleader when you need them most. And when you’re slacking or procrastinating, they’ll gently nudge you in the right direction.

Your Guardian Angels travel at the speed of thought, so they’re always much closer than you think. Like the Archangels, they’ll send signs and messages to alert you of their presence. You may feel their energy around you, see them in dreams or experience them manifesting as shimmering orbs of light.

Not too long ago, I even saw my lead Guardian Angel in physical form. I was working on a writing project (about the Angels, no less!). I looked up from my laptop and there he was. He appeared before me wearing a navy single-breasted suit, tan fedora and chocolatey brown pointed dress shoes. (I suspect he took this appearance because he knows of my affinity for 1940s movies.) He stood in my hallway nearly 10 feet tall. I smiled at him and thanked him for being there for me. What I remember most is that I felt incredibly loved, calm and at peace.

Like the other Angels in the Angelic realm, Guardian Angels are genderless. However, the Angels carry attributes that we earthly beings commonly associate with masculine or feminine traits (hence why I refer to my leading Guardian Angel in the masculine tense).

I had more questions about Guardian Angels, so I asked Archangel Uriel – the keeper of Divine wisdom – to explain in a recent channeling session. And here’s what he had to say.

Channeled Message from Archangel Uriel:

Greetings from Archangel Uriel.

Your leading Guardian Angels are yours and yours alone. They walk through life with you from incarnation and are not shared with anyone else.

And you are so very special to them. They are completely devoted to you. That’s because they chose YOU from an entire Universe of beautiful be by your side always.

How did they come to choose you? It’s twofold, Dear One. Your Guardian Angels know the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime. At the most fundamental level, they want to be of help to you on this journey. If they feel they can be, they declare themselves a match.

But this union goes much deeper than this.

You see, your Guardian Angels can see directly into your soul – the true essence of you. They can connect with you so deeply on an energetic level that they sometimes discover you are both a cosmic match...a soul match. They can see the "real" you of all your collective lifetimes – not just the physical being you are about to become. And this is a very, very special relationship that’s to be cherished.

From the moment of conception, they are with you until you depart this earth. That is, unless they choose to serve as a companion on future incarnations. They took a blessed vow to protect, support and comfort you...and that sacred covenant is never to be broken or abandoned.

Notice we speak of Guardian Angels – plural. Walking through this world is a big job. That’s why you have a team of Guardian Angels with you. Watching. Guiding. Supporting. And like a team, there’s a “captain” – a lead Guardian Angel that’s with you through all the seasons of your life.

But a team never plays alone. That’s why there are handfuls of other Guardian Angels who accompany your leading Angel at various points in your life. Think of them as the supporting cast in the story of your life.

They collaborate and conspire to figure out how to best be of assistance to you and to ensure that you are true to your soul journey. Some of these Guardian Angels stay with you through the course of your life. Others drift in and out – like a gentle breeze – to help you learn and grow.

Perhaps an additional Guardian Angel will step forward to help guide you toward a kind, loving relationship. Or a Guardian Angel may suddenly appear to assist you in accomplishing a certain goal, like your studies. Or a Guardian Angel may walk in at just the right moment to give you support in a difficult situation, like the passing of a parent.

Once their job is done, they hug you and say their farewells. That is, unless their help is needed again later on.

Your Guardian Angels want to assist you on your soul’s path. However, they will always respect your free will and your right to direct the course of your life. The more you ask for their intervention and guidance, the more they can reveal themselves in your everyday life.

Or very simply, more invitations for help beget more help from the celestial plane.

When your heart weighs heavy or your inner light turns dim, reach out to your Guardian Angels for comfort and to soothe your soul.


Did Archangel Uriel’s message resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

With love and light,



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