Angel Message: Archangel Raphael & the People You Meet (the Good & Not-So Good)


Lately, I’ve been thinking about why people come into our life. Why do we meet certain people? Why do our paths cross? Is there a cosmic reason why?

Like you, I’ve met some really great people. People that I’ve felt truly blessed to have walk into my story.

But then there have been others. Those who have felt more like a lit match near a dry brush. People who have gotten a rise out of me. People who I’ve let get the best of me.

I asked Archangel Raphael about this. Here’s his Angel message:

Dear One,

You will meet people who bring out the best and worst in you. Be thankful for both.

Some who cross your path will inspire. Awaken something within you. Encourage you to reach for more. Show you a glimpse of who you want to become.

Others will show you a glimpse of who you are now. And who you no longer want to be. Actions and behaviors you need to toss aside. Thoughts you need to release. Think of it like a loose seam on a shirt. Collectively, these people – these experience – show you where you need a little extra stitchwork. They were Divinely placed in your life to help you along your journey. Thank these souls, for they will stir something up in you. They serve as guideposts to awaken change so you can follow on your true path and become the person you want.

If you feel lost or unsure of what is to be learned in that moment, call on me for help. Simply ask:

Please reveal what I need to learn from this person or situation, so I can release it and continue to grow.

And then watch for the signs. I will surely answer your call.

Be thankful for both. Both are blessings. Both are needed for you to grow.

Did this Angel message resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

And if you want to read more about Angel signs, check ‘em out here.

With love and light,



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