What Is an Angel Reading?


Let’s face it: life can hand us a bunch of bumps and turns.

And sometimes it can be hard to see the path ahead. Or as the saying goes: it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees.

Angel readings – also known as oracle readings – can help give you clarity.

But that’s just the beginning.

When I do an Angel reading, I’m calling in your guides, your Guardian Angels and, of course, the Archangels, to help give insight into where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going.

Their messages are meant to provide help, hope, healing and Divine guidance. It’s a way to connect with your Angels in a real – and powerfully meaningful! – way.

Why get an Angel reading?

Sometimes we feel a little lost.

Or confused.

Or uneasy.

Or unsure.

Angel readings are great for helping to get unstuck and overcoming roadblocks. They can help calm our mind, soothe our spirit and uncover new possibilities, so we can continue to grow on our soul journey. They’re useful for helping to answer life’s tough questions or tapping into guidance at times of transition and uncertainty.

How do the Angel messages come through?

Angel readings can include a number of divination tools. As an Angel medium, I use a variety of methods in my oracle readings to tune into the frequency of the Angelic realm. Methods like oracle cards, pendulums, scrying, automatic writing, channeling and many more.

The Angels speak to me in many different ways. They may show me an image, play a song lyric – even speak directly to me.

Making sure their message gets through and understood is of the utmost importance. That means they’ll use whatever method will resonate with YOU the most.

Are oracle cards different from tarot cards?

Yes! A tarot deck contains 78 cards – and each deck contains the same cards. No matter the theme, tarot decks always include the major and minor arcana, plus the court cards. Each card has a set meaning and requires studying and practicing to learn.

Oracle decks are much more free form in that there are no mandatories of what must be included in each deck. The structure is entirely up to the creators. And unlike tarot, oracle decks have no rules and no set number of cards per deck. I personally love oracle cards – they allow me to also tap into my intuitive abilities to interpret messages.

While both types of divination seek to give advice and insight, oracle cards go a little deeper. Oracle cards help us to see what the path ahead looks like as well as how to to release old patterns.

“I’m afraid of hearing bad news.”

I get it. But please be assured: the Angels are Divine beings of light and love – and they’re here to guide you on your path. Angels are compassionate communicators; their messages are as loving as they are powerful.

Before I begin, I say a protective Angelic prayer to draw in the Archangels, including Archangel Michael – the Angel of protection. I ask the Angels to only deliver messages that are healing and for your best and highest good. This is an important distinction – these messages are designed to help you move forward in your soul journey.

The one requirement of an Angel reading? Keep an open mind. Sometimes, the Angels will send a message and it doesn’t make sense...yet. Simply tuck that message away – it may be that certain events need to still unfold before that message resonates with you.

Interested in getting an Angel reading? I offer a variety of Angel readings – schedule yours today.

With love and light,



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